Moving Beyond Algebra-Ready to Algebra-Excited: Cultivating Algebraic Reasoning from Kindergarten to High School - Watch on-demand now
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Kecia Ray Dr. Tim Hudson Kirsten Keels Sarah Knox Denise Trackas

Moving Beyond Algebra-Ready to Algebra-Excited: Cultivating Algebraic Reasoning from Kindergarten to High School

Dr. Kecia Ray, Welcome & Introductions

Kirsten Keels, The Relationship Between Equity and Algebra-Readiness

Tim Hudson, Strategies for Developing Algebraic Thinking from Kindergarten

Denise Trakas, Washoe County’s Journey Toward Mathematical Excellence for all Students to High School

Sarah Knox, Napa Valley Unified’s Commitment to Ensuring Students Experience Responsive, Engaging Pedagogy and Graduate College and are Career-Ready


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