Registration Closed

Registration for this event is now closed.

Disclaimer: My enrollment, attendance and/or participation in the Future US, Inc (Future) Tech & Learning Innovation Lab | December 7, 2023 is my agreement and understanding that Future is permitted to photograph, record and use my name, picture, portrait, likeness, voice and statement(s), as well as any compilation(s) that may result therefrom. I further acknowledge that all photographs, videos and other recordings of me in any media or medium used and taken by Future are owned solely by Future and it alone may copyright those materials. Future has the right to edit the foregoing in any manner it deems appropriate and we may exercise such right without any inspection, review or approval. Future shall also have the right to use and employ such video and photography for use on television, the Internet (including Future's website) and in conjunction with the advertising, publicity or promotional materials of Future. Nothing herein will constitute any obligation on the part of Future to use, photograph or record me or make any use of the rights set forth herein. I fully understand the content, meaning, and impact of this release.