Full Name
Andrea Calvin
Job Title
Vice President
FableVision Learning

A collector of words and a creator at heart, Andrea’s happy place is in the classroom. With a background in storytelling and a focus on education, Andrea works to ensure that all learners – especially children – develop the vision, confidence, knowledge and skills needed to succeed. She works closely with schools to customize programs that weave in the special magic found in the books by Peter H. Reynolds. She has been on the forefront of the product launch and classroom-implementation of FabMaker Studio, the first digital fabrication software tool developed specifically for use in the classroom. She speaks nationally and runs workshops on the importance of STEM and story. In her previous life, Andrea worked in the Boston-area newspaper world as a reporter and editor. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and a master’s degree in Journalism from Regent University.

Andrea Calvin