Working Groups and Sponsor Meetings
Date & Time
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Matthew Winters Andrew Wallace Eric Crespo Chantell Manahan

Working Groups and Sponsor Meetings 
Attendees either participate in a facilitated small group discussions focused on important topics related to strategic planning or meet with industry partners. Topics will include:

  • Professional Development: How do you support and sustain effective PD? Attendees discuss their challenges and solutions.
    Presenter - Matthew Winters

  • Learning Loss or Learning Realignment?: How can technology be used to more accurately assess student knowledge and thinking, and use that to realign curriculum and course expectations?
    Presenter - Eric Crespo

  • Ending Silos: Shared responsibilities across department lines (curriculum, accountability, HR, Business office, etc). Having a seat at the table when decisions are being made. How solutions are made or created.
    Presenter - Chantell Manahan

  • Rethinking Learning Spaces: How are districts assessing and addressing learning loss? And are these assessments delivering an accurate, unbiased  picture of what students are learning? Attendees will share their experiences and perspectives.
    Presenter - Andrew Wallace