Cicely Lewis is a school librarian with a passion for creating lovers of reading. She was named the 2020 National Librarian of the Year by School Library Journal and Scholastic, a 2019 Library Journal Mover and Shaker and the 2019 National Teacher Award for Lifelong Readers by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and Penguin Random House (PRH). In 2017, she started the Read Woke challenge in response to the shootings of young unarmed Black people, the repeal of DACA, and the lack of diversity in young adult literature. A native of Mississippi, she currently resides in Georgia with her anime-loving husband, Michael, and two rambunctious children, Tristan and Trinity. When she is not reading, you can find Cicely writing for her bi-monthly column in School Library Journal, where she shares her book recommendations, or writing and developing ideas as Executive Editor for Lerner’s Read Woke™ Books publishing program. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @cicelythegreat or check out her website