Beyond Access Forum:
Inclusive and Individualized Education

Supporting Students and Families with Disabilities in NYC

June 4, 2020 | 8: 00 AM - 4:00 PM

Beacon High School

522 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036

Join the New York City Department of Education for an interactive and thought-provoking event on digital accessibility and inclusion. 

By attending this professional development event, you will learn:

1. Assistive technologies and how they can support students' needs

2. Accessible website platforms

3. How to make accessible digital content

4. New ways to create an inclusive classroom

5. How to support students with disabilities in accelerated programs

6. Strategies to prepare students for a successful transition into adult life, through college, career, or independent living

7. And more


There will be a keynote address, to be followed by a panel discussion, a wide array of workshops, a raffle, and an awards ceremony.  Register today!