9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | Event Registration & Breakfast at Kean University - STEM building
Event Registration - 2nd Flr. Foyer & Breakfast 1st. Flr. Atrium

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM | 
Welcome and Introductions |
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM | Panel: Rethinking PK-12 Education
Sancha Gray, Kean University’s Vice President of Entrepreneurial Ed Initiatives and former Superintendent of Asbury Park School District, leads a panel discussion of superintendents who are working with Kean's EEI program to re-envision the student journey from PK through higher education to better prepare students for tomorrow's workforce.
Panelists: Mr. Erskine Glover, Superintendent, Hillside Public Schools;
Dr. Nathan Fisher, Superintendent, Roselle Public Schools; Jeannine Lanphear, Supervisor of Science and Mathematics, North Brunswick Township Public Schools

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | 
BreakoutEDU Activity
Attendees will get to meet each other through a unique Breakout EDU team-building experience, where teams work together to solve academically-aligned puzzles. Can you and your team help to Breakout of The Faculty Lounge?
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM | 
Topical Roundtables Attendees either participate in facilitated small group discussions focused on important topics related to strategic planning or meet with industry partners. Topics will include: |
11:35 AM - 1:00 PM | - Data Management: How do districts manage access to data in safe, efficient ways? Attendees share their policies and best practices.
| - Experiential Learning: This session explores the tips and tools that districts can use to support hands-on learning through approaches like gamifying, STEM activities, and project-based learning programs
| - Technology Management/Building Sustainable Classrooms: How are districts building a sustainable technology infrastructure? How are they ensuring all students are connected? Attendees discuss their plans for device management/refreshes, flexible learning spaces, and building robust, scalable networks
| - Rethinking Learning Spaces: In this session, attendees will discuss how they have created effective learning spaces and what technology they use to support these new spaces.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Lunch & Tour
After lunch, attendees will tour the Kean University STEM Center, the only program in New Jersey that offers a core curriculum in the first two years that integrates science and mathematics courses linked to problem-solving, and hands-on laboratory research to reinforce the classroom content.

2:15 PM - 3:45 PM | 
Topical Roundtables
Attendees either participate in facilitated small group discussions focused on important topics related to strategic planning or meet with industry partners. Topics will include: |
2:20 PM - 3:45 PM | - Changing Pedagogy: How has the pandemic changed the ways schools teach and students learn? Attendees explore new approaches to innovative pedagogy
| - Learning Loss -- or “Learning Realignment?”: How are districts assessing and addressing learning loss -- and gains? And are these assessments delivering an accurate, unbiased picture of what students are learning? Attendees will share their experiences and perspectives.
| - Data Privacy: This session will cover how districts keep data private and secure.
| - Professional Development: How are districts supporting the ever-evolving professional needs of their staff? Attendees discuss new ways to engage their teachers through professional development.
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM | Reflections & Apply to Practice
Tech & Learning editors will lead a group discussion about lessons learned from the conversations had throughout the day. Attendees will develop a collaborative takeaway report that they can use to inform their planning.

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM | 
Networking Reception
Attendees can unwind and network at this reception. |