8:30 AM - 9:00 AM | Registration and Breakfast
Attendees arrive to register, network, and enjoy breakfast, as well as get their “Passport to Prizes” pass. Throughout the day, attendees will complete their Passport by visiting with our partners either in scheduled meetings or during lunch if they do not have scheduled meetings. |
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM | Welcome and Introductions
Adam Phyall, Director of Technology and Media Services for Newton County School System in Covington, GA, brings his enthusiasm and passion for education to the Rutgers Summit as our host and MC for the day. Adam has been a strong advocate for digital access and digital equity throughout his career, and he will facilitate fun and interactive conversations throughout the day to ensure attendees walk away with innovative ideas they can put into action.
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM |
Keynote: Teach for Tomorrow
In this keynote, Dr. Phyall will discuss our students' challenges and opportunities. He will tackle how to best leverage our best resources to provide Access, Connectivity, and Tasks that will have all students ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow, today! |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
Working Groups and Sponsor Meetings
Attendees either participate in a facilitated small group discussions focused on important topics related to strategic planning or meet with industry partners. Topics will include:
- Professional Development: How are districts supporting the ever-evolving professional needs of their staff? Attendees discuss new ways to engage their teachers through professional development.
PRESENTERS: Lisa Nielsen & Laura Ogando
- Rethinking Learning Spaces: In this session, attendees will discuss how they have created effective learning spaces and what technology they use to support these new spaces. PRESENTER: Glenn Robbins
- Supporting Student & Teacher Wellbeing: How are you ensuring the wellbeing of your staff and students? This session offers the opportunity to share best practices.
PRESENTER: Mike Gaskell
- Data Privacy & Security: How do districts manage access to data in safe, efficient ways? Attendees share their policies and best practices.
PRESENTER: Sandra Paul
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM | Lunch & Networking
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM | Meet Our Partners
Attendees meet with our event partners to learn more about their offerings and solutions – and complete their Passport to Prizes!
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM |
Working Groups and Sponsor Meetings
Attendees either participate in a facilitated small group discussions focused on important topics related to strategic planning or meet with industry partners. Topics will include:
- Best Practices for Designing & Creating Maker Spaces: This panel discussion will explore the foundations of creating an effective maker space to allow for a wealth of opportunities for student content creation.
PRESENTERS: Eddie Cohen, Chris Anderson, Danielle Puglisi
- Design Thinking Maker Challenge: Guided by the staff of Rutgers Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education, attendees use design thinking to create a cell phone stand using design software on their personal laptops. Once they customize their design, they send it to the Rutgers CMSCE team. The resulting model will be mailed to attendees after the event.
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
Tour of Rutgers Maker Spaces
Attendees tour two of Rutgers’ innovative Maker spaces: the Livingston Makerspace and the Makerspace at the Honors College. All attendees receive a custom bottle opener created in the Maker Spaces as a keepsake of the event.
Read more about Rutgers’ Maker Spaces in this recent article in Make magazine. |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | Awards Ceremony & Passport to Prizes Drawing
The winners of the Tech & Learning Innovative Leader awards will be announced. Afterward, we will draw Passport to Prizes winners.