Tuesday, November 8, 2022
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM

Vendor Meet & Greet - Conference Hub

8:15 AM - 8:45 AM

Communicating Student Progress: Software that Supports the Conversation


Justin Meyer Rebecca Brown

Using the Citywide Digital Library to Support Multi-Lingual Learners


Regis Coustillac Tracy Waalkes

UnErase LGBTQ History in your Classroom: Introducing History UnErased's LGBTQ-inclusive, Intersectional, NYC DOE Approved Digital K-12 Curriculum


Aliza Kapel

How Website Accessibility Increases Family Engagement


Nicole Legaux

Accessibility Features in Google Workspace


Santi Khairassame
8:45 AM - 9:00 AM

Vendor Meet & Greet - Conference Hub

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Welcome Keynote | One Brave Dot: Using the Power of Storytelling to Help Us All Create Bravely

“I just can’t draw.” These words, uttered by a first grader nearly twenty years ago, inspired New York Times #1 best-selling author/illustrator Peter H. Reynolds on his mission to urge all of us to “make our mark” bravely.  While his book, The Dot is about art and a great teacher, the book is ultimately a metaphor for being brave enough to take that first brave step, and then see where it takes us. 

Along with sharing The Dot and the other stories in his “Creatrilogy” series (including Ish and Sky Color,) Peter will also share thoughts about his other “message books” which support critical social emotional development, and his efforts to inspire creativity and bravery in the next generation of creative problem-solvers around the globe.  Attendees of all ages will leave feeling inspired and ready to use their own gifts, talents and strengths to move the world to a better place.


Peter Reynolds
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

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Vendor Meet & Greet - Conference Hub

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Tech Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom


Maricris Formoso-Santos Joseph Piazza

The Revolution Will be Programmed


Christy Crawford Ross Berman Kristi Jones

Empowering Students with Inquiry and Digital Fluency


Leanne Ellis Vincent Hyland

Holistic Bilingual Biliteracy Framework


Kyle McDonald Yuderquis Santos

Creating Interactive Elementary Math Activities on Your Promethean ActivPanel


Rebecca Coldwell
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

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Vendor Meet & Greet - Conference Hub

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Becoming a Model "Modeler"


David Carroca Lindsey Huntley

Get Certified in Creating Accessible Digital Content


Patricia Paddock

Redefining Computer Science Pioneers for Affinity and Access


Melissa Parker

Postsecondary Journey for Multilingual & Immigrant Students


Florence Dennis Charlene Clarke

Tips to Improve Your Newsletters


Giovanni Casillas
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

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Vendor Meet & Greet - Conference Hub

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Building Accessibility and Resources: Support for Schools


William Herrera Susan Keyock

How to Integrate Podcasts for All Learners


Tali Horowitz Laura Ogando Laura Ordoñez

Tools to Introduce STEM/SEL concepts through the works of Peter H. Reynolds


Jane Reynolds Sara Smith

Black Sands, transforming what is means to be inclusive!


manuel godoy

Brilliantly Simple Tech Strategies for Early Learners


Joelle MacPhee
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM

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LUNCH BREAK (Optional) 
Vendor Meet & Greet - Conference Hub

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

Ready to Team Up: Strategies and Resources to Strengthen Family Engagement in Support of Student Learning and Well-being


Windy Lopez-Aflitto

DOE Grades, DOE Attendance, DOE Messaging Road Show


Zachary Dane Guillermo Tejeda Nicholas Gravenese Eileen Marks DiFabio

Foster Multilingual Learners Through Story: In Conversation with Lee & Low Authors


Katie Potter Xelena González Claudia Martinez Ying-Hwa Hu

Introduction to School Wellness Councils

Erin Bauer

The Science of Reading Meets the Joy of Reading


Marcus Ferrara
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Vendor Meet & Greet - Conference Hub

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM


Closing Session & Prize Giveaway